Working with White

Painting your walls white may seem like a boring option but with the right shade and furniture, your room is sure to make a statement. Painting your space a bright white can make everything appear light and airy. It gives your room a blank canvas to work with, where almost anything is possible. If you want to opt for a white room committing to it is the most important part. If you want your entire space to be white make sure to apply the paint on every surface. Unless you are specifically going for white accents, leaving your ceiling or trim unpainted can make your room look unfinished. It may sound like personality may be lacking if you choose to go in this direction but white offers a range of possibilities. It makes your space open to go in any direction and makes way for creativity.

Wood: Pairing a white room with wood is a great option. Against a white background, wood really stands out. The richness and grain makes an interesting contrast against the simplicity of white. Both mediums work with each other, resulting in wood that pops against such a bright surface. Wood warms up a white space that may look too bare and the white makes the wood look crisp.

Furniture: You can chose to also have your furniture be white to really give your room a calm, serene atmosphere. Adding touches of color to break up the single note is also a possibility. Having a white room can help in looking more organized. If you wish to create a focal point, a colorful item can easily be placed to add some personality. For this reason, white rooms can be a great choice for either minimalists or maximalists. White walls create an organized, tidy atmosphere that is perfect is you choose to go with more modern furniture. White walls also make it easy for maximalists to incorporate several objects into their room. The white ties everything together regardless if you choose to incorporate several items of varying colors. White is especially perfect if you are a collector. If you have several decorations or artwork that you would like to display, against a white wall would be the best way. If not only makes the objects pop and bring vibrancy, it will look clean and organized.

There are many possibilities with having white rooms. There are different styles that you can choose from. Whether you want traditional or modern furniture, a white room will be able to tie everything together. Regardless of what design or mood you are going for, white is a classic, timeless color that will never go out of style. It stands the test of time as opposed to other colors that always go in and out of style. White is ageless and versatile.