Importance of Textures

When picking out new furniture the usual process is finding the right size, shape, color, and style. It is important that all those factors are just right before incorporating a new piece into your home. Something that often isn’t considered is texture. How do textures work with or against each other? What textures work with your style? Which textures are more comfortable? How a room feels is just as important as how it looks. Texture is often overlooked but should be considered more often to really achieve the mood you want. With the amount and variety of textures it might seem overwhelming but this simple guide should give you a better sense of what to look for.

If having a variety of colors isn’t your style consider using texture to make your rooms interesting. You can have a room composed of similar colors but it does not have to be plain. Introducing different texture between items breaks up the space and gives it personality. Contrasting textures add dimension and personality to a room where furnishings would otherwise blend together. The room will not only look different but feel different through texture. So this way texture improves the room not just visually but also through touch.

Starting Small

Texture does not only have to be included with large pieces of furniture but can be seen with smaller pieces like decoration. If you would like to experiment with texture starting small is a good way to start. Introduce small bits of decoration on a console or coffee table with varying types of texture. Glass, stone, or wood can all be combined and create a seamless piece. You can slowly start seeing which textures work together and how you can apply them on a bigger scale. Create a simple vignette and play with the materials you think suite your style.

Combining Textures

One of the simple ways you can experiment with texture is combining rough and soft. If the walls are a rough material like brick or wood paneling adding furniture that is made from a soft, smooth material creates an interesting dynamic. Of course it does not strictly have to be one type of rough material and one type of smooth material. You can experiment with various types to see which one is your style and works for your room. larus deskThe course texture of a brick or wood wall paired with smooth materials found in some furniture can be really effective. For example you can see the various textures involved in this office setup. The Larus Desk is made of wood but there is some contrast added with the glass section on the right. Although the rug is of a similar tone to the rest of the room, the different texture separates it. The texture of the rug breaks the ongoing wood floor, adding more dimension to it. The leather of the chair also adds a softness to the room. Finally the ornamentation adds another texture while its reflective surface adds depth. This layout shows that a room can have a limited color palette but still be dynamic. Combining various textures elevates the room and gives it personality even if it has the same tone.

Introducing Color

Once you feel comfortable with introducing texture you can also play with color. It may sound like it would appear too busy to have so many elements in one space but the trick is making everything balance. That might sound easier said than done but there are a few simple ways to slowly work your way up to introduce color. Starting with a neutral space you can add a piece that stands out from the rest. The color won’t interfere with the neutral tone and the texture will still complement one another. As expected it becomes more difficult if you try to include many colors and textures at once. Work with colors that are classic combinations and the texture will become easier to include.